Saturday, August 31, 2019

Natural disasters are often not natural Essay

Natural disasters are often not natural disasters, but are in fact human disasters. Discuss this statement in relation to seismic events. The word ‘natural’ indicates that humans have not caused the disaster. However, human activity can certainly interfere with nature, which in turn may either cause a natural disaster or make its effects much worse. Earthquakes can affect people in many different ways in countries all over the world. They are a product of intense seismic activity where plates are interacting, at a destructive of transform faults, particularly leading to a build up of tension below the Earths surface. When this tension is released the buildings, bridges, pipes etc which lie in the line of the seismic waves can often not withstand the force and strain of the earthquakes and can potentially harm people. However is it the people’s fault that the earthquake occurred in the first place? Earthquakes induced by human activity have been documented in a few locations in the YSA, Japan and Canada. The cause was injection of fluids into deep wells for waste disposal and secondary recovery of oil, and the use of reservoirs for water supplies. Most of these earthquakes however were minor. The largest and most widely known resulted from fluid injection at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal near Denver, Colorado. For decades scientists have been researching induced seismicity, or how human activity can cause earthquakes. Such a link gained attention in the early 1960s when hundreds of quakes were recorded in Colorado after the Army began injecting fluid into a disposal well. There are many ways human activity can trigger earthquakes. In the 1930s for example, the construction of Hoover Dam in Arizona unleashed a burst of seismic activity in the vicinity that reached a magnitude of 5 on the Richter scale. Geothermal- energy projects have been known to make the ground shake. This process involves pumping pressurised water a mile into the Earth, then sucking up the heated liquid to make steam and drive turbines to generate electricity. A dam cannot cause an earthquake by itself. The risk factors, specifically unstable fault lines, have to be there already. With the right conditions in place, though, a dam can trigger the event earlier than would have happened naturally, and perhaps even increase its magnitude. ‘Human engineering has been triggering earthquakes for more than half a century’ says Leonardo Seeber, professor at Lamont-  Doherty Earth Observatory, and manmade quakes may be more common than acknowledged. However Dr. Seeber says that ‘distinguishing natural from triggered earthquakes is generally difficult’ he said ‘Agents triggering the earthquake often refuse to admit responsibility and make it difficult to obtain the data that could prove it’. Even a smell stress increase can cause a fault to fail, Dr Seeber said: humans tend to do it in two ways. One is by changing the load on the crust, typically with artificial lakes, which increase the load, and with quarries and oil fields, which decrease the load. The other ways is increasing the pressure of the interstitial fluid. This isn’t to say that all earthquakes are caused by humans. They are typically natural occurrences. They’re most often caused by the shifting of plates of rock under the surface od the earth. These plates move along fault lines, which are places where the otherwise solid rock of Earth’s crust has cracked. When the plates slide against each other, or away from each other, the Earth vibrates violently. Less often, earthquakes are caused by natural occurrences like volcanic eruptions. But vibrations felt at the surface of the Earth can also result from Earth-shaking, manmade events like underground bomb testing and mine collapses. In conclusion, my view is for the most part, the accumulating stress that creates the stress build up until it’s great enough to overcome that friction, at which point seismic energy is released violently as the blocks catch up on decade’s worth of motion in just a few seconds is much too large for human activities to make a difference. We can, however, affect the friction that locks up the fault. Hydraulic fracturing, where fluids are pumped into the ground at extremely high pressures to crack rocks that release natural gas and oil, has been shown to do just that in certain situations. Increasing the fluid pressure inside the fault partially de-stabilises the friction-lock, lowering the stress threshold necessary to trigger an earthquake just enough for one to occur. Despite the obvious negative effects that humans have on prematurely causing an earthquake, the natural factors of the earthquake are fundamentally the reason they occur because without these then the earthquake wouldn’t happen. Human impacts speed up and may make the earthquake worse however they are in fact natural disasters with human elements thrown into the equation.  ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­

Friday, August 30, 2019

Ncp for Respiratory System

CUESNURSING DIAGNOSISSCIENTIFIC EXPLANATIONPLANNINGNURSING INTERVENTIONRATIONALEEVALUATION S> O> >abnormal lung sound >decreased lung sound over affected area >cough >dyspnea >change in respiratory status >purulent sputum Ineffective airway clearance related to increased sputum production in response to respiratory infection After blank hours of nursing intervention, patient’s airway will be able to be free of secretions as evidence by eupnea and clear lung sounds after coughing. >Assess respiratory movement and use of accessory muscle gt;assess cough for effectiveness and productivity >observe sputum color, sputum amount and odor and report significant changes >auscultate lung sounds noting areas of decreased ventilation and presence of adventitious sounds >monitor pulse oximetry and ABGs >use of accessory muscle to breath indicates an abnormal increase in work of breathing >patients may have ineffective cough due to fatigue or thick tenacious tissue >a sign of infection is d iscolored sputum. An odor may be present >bronchial lung sounds commonly heared over areas of ling density or consolidation. Crackles are heared when fluid is present >hypoxemia may result from impaired gas exchange from build up of secretions. ABG’s provide data about CO2 levels in the blood >these determine the progression of disease process CUESNURSING DIAGNOSISSCIENTIFIC EXPLANATIONPLANNINGNURSING INTERVENTION RATIONALE EVALUATION S> O> >abnormal lung sound >decreased lung sound over affected area >cough >dyspnea >change in respiratory status >purulent sputum Ineffective airway clearance related to increased sputum production in response to respiratory infection After blank hours of nursing intervention, patient’s airway will be able to be free of secretions as evidence by eupnea and clear lung sounds after coughing. >encourage patient to cough unless cough is frequent and non productive >use optimal positioning; encourage ambulation >assist patient with coughing, deep breathing, and splinting as necessary >maintain adequate hydration >use humidity (humidified oxygen or humidifier at bedside) >assist with pharynx suctioning as necssary gt;assist patient with use of incentive spirometer >for patients with reduced energy, pace activities >provide oral care >frequent non productive coughing can result to hypoxemia >The sitting position and splinting the abdomen promote more effective coughing by increasing abdominal pressure and diaphragmatic movement ambulation mobilizes secretion and reduces atelectasis >this improves productivity o f the cough >fluids are used by diaphoresis, fever and tachypnea and are needed to aid in the mobilization of secretions Increasing the humidity of the inspired air will loosen secretions. gt;coughing is the most helpful way to remove secretions. Nasotracheal suctioning may cause increase hypoxemia especially without hyperoxygenation before, during, and after suctioning. >incentive spirometry serves to improve deep breathing and prevent atelectasis >effective coughing is hard work and may exhaust an already compromised patient >secretions from pneumonia are usually foul tasting and smelling. Providing oral care may decrese nausea and vomiting

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Evaluate the roles of named players Essay

Managing future energy needs is certainly a global challenge that requires the cooperation of many named players both on a small and large scale. It has been estimated that global demand for primary energy is set to grow 55% by 2030 and that $22 trillion of new investment is need to meet future energy forecasts. The main player in providing future energy security can be argued to be OPEC as they control the production of over 2/3’s of the world’s supply of oil, therefore leading them be price makers in the industry. OPEC is considered to be the most important player in global energy provision, it currently consists of 12 members and was created in 1960 mainly to protect the interests of member countries and to stabilise oil prices for a regular supply to oil consuming countries. However, OPEC’s obligations have been controversial as they have been accused of holding back on production of oil and gas in order to drive up prices, therefore using the market mechanism of demand and supply to increase profits for member states. Currently it has been proven that collectively, OPEC has stored 900,000 million barrels of crude oil, they own 78% of global resources and have a combined market share of 45% for oil and 18% for gas. This inherently makes them the largest producer of fossil fuels in the world meaning they will have a large if not absolute say in future energy provision and energy security. The responsibility of oil distribution will then fall on OPEC when supply of oil runs low leading to a bidding system for allocation of oil to where demand and price is highest. Another large player involved in providing energy security for the future is multinational oil companies; they are involved in the exploration and extraction of oil as well as transporting and refining the oil to consumers meaning they, as well as OPEC control the prices directly to consumers. Most of the top 20 oil companies in 2005 were state owned with companies such as Saudi Aramco in Saudi Arabia and PDV in Venezuela, this could be beneficial for domestic industry as they may charge less, stimulating the economy with lower production costs. However, many of the largest oil companies are relatively free of direct political influence and are therefore driven by the market mechanism leading to higher prices, above production costs. An example of a petro chemical company that has a direct impact on us in the UK is Gazprom in Russia. It solely controls one third of the world’s gas reserves and accounts for more than 92% of Russia’s gas production, but more importantly it provides 25% of the EU’s natural gas as we are consistently becoming net importers. The security of the energy provision is open to risk as Europe’s fear is that Russia will be able to name its price for gas because Europe is predominately dependent on its supply. In addition, the reliability is further doubted since Russia temporarily shut off gas supply to Ukraine in 2006 and therefore the whole of Europe. Fossil fuels are of course a finite resource meaning they will one day deplete to such an extent that it will not be cost effective to extract and refine to sell. This insinuates that it is the combined role of governments and oil producing companies to innovate and invest in new technology to sustain increasing energy demands. International Governments is the last and one of the main players in providing future energy security. Governments have the option of allowing oil companies to further exploit their own environment in order to increase oil production such as the case with the province of Alberto. It is estimated up to 2. 5 trillion barrels of are held within the sedimentary oil-shale – more so than in Saudi Arabia. This may relieve pressure for rising energy demand in the US as Canada does in fact have a surplus of primary energy. It will also relieve the US from its dominant reliance on the unreliable Saudi Arabian oil reserves with growing political challenges and the threat of terrorism and piracy. However, environmentalists see the exploitation of oil-shale are sands as a disaster in the making, not only does it already have detrimental environmental scars but with current technology, huge amounts of energy are needed in heating the sands to extract the oil (every 3 barrels of oil produced requires 1 barrel to be burnt). Conversely, Governments may opt to incentives conservation of energy through fuel duties or green taxes and emission trading as it leads to industries investing in cleaner technology. In addition, investment in greener fuels such as renewable and nuclear energy is a way for governments to secure energy provision in the future as it can be sustainable and everlasting. In conclusion, each player has a unique role in providing future energy security either with price stability with OPEC, investment into greener technology with oil companies and correct management and legislation from governments to both the exploitation of their environment and their fiscal system in incentive taxation. All in all it depends on the magnitude of integration of all these ideas brought forward that will secure actual energy provision in the future and allow for a sustained and secure increase in consumption of energy.

Nutrition sciences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words

Nutrition sciences - Essay Example ly consumption of food and drink by a sample of students and to analyse such dietary intakes into useful information, such as nutrients consumed by each student in the given time frame. Moreover the report is also aimed at critically evaluating the findings obtained through analysis and their comparison with Dietary Reference Values (DRV). Healthy diet, which has balanced nutrients, among youngsters is a major factor in determining their health conditions in the years to come. It is due to this reason that consuming a certain level of nutrients in each diet an individual takes is essential for a healthy life. Student life is the phase in which every individual experiences changes and variations in life style and consumption patterns on a frequent basis. Such changes and variations are likely to influence their health in the later stages of their lives and develop certain eating habits, which are difficult to be changed afterwards. It is therefore considered pertinent to make youngsters understand about the health benefits of a balanced diet which ensures the supply of necessary nutrients on a daily basis. In the past, numerous research works have been carried out with the aim of determining the dietary intakes among university and college students. In their study, Kresic, Jovanovic, Zezelj, Cvijanovic & Ivezic (2009) aimed at determining the relationship between the knowledge possessed by students from universities and its impact on their dietary intakes. The researchers found that students who possessed knowledge regarding the optimum and balanced diet were able to ensure a balanced dietary intake in their daily lives as compared to those who lacked such knowledge. The researchers recommended that awareness about nutrition and balanced dietary intakes shall be introduced in universities so as to ensure healthy lifestyles among students (Kresic, et al., 2009). On the other hand, Soriano, Molto & Manes (2000) carried out a research work to find out dietary intake

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A criminial case with relevant, reliable, and competent evidence Essay

A criminial case with relevant, reliable, and competent evidence - Essay Example This was emphasized in the Supreme Court’s ruling in Holbrook v Hymn. The Court held that in accordance with the provisions of the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution, the guilt of the accused was to be determined exclusively on the basis of the evidence presented during trial. Furthermore, guilt could not be established on the basis of official suspicion, indictment, continued custody or other circumstances (Gardner & Anderson , 2009, p. 31). Evidence that is relevant, reliable and not otherwise inadmissible at trial is deemed to be competent evidence. The defendant in Holmes v South Carolina, endeavored to introduce evidence that the murder had been committed by a third party. In this effort the defendant offered witnesses who exhibited willingness to testify that the third party had committed the crime. This testimony was excluded by the trial court on the grounds that the case against the defendant was strong and that the evidence against the third party merely generated a bare suspicion. The defendant was convicted of murder, and this sentence was upheld by the Supreme Court of South Carolina (Gardner & Anderson , 2009, p. 32). In this case, the Supreme Court of South Carolina affirmed that any evidence of third party guilt had to generate a reasonable implication of innocence. In addition, such evidence had to be restricted to the facts that were not in conformity with the guilt of the defendant. The Court further clarified that the forensic evidence was almost conclusive in indicating the guilt of the defendant, and that the evidence against the third party was effective only to the extent of creating a bare suspicion. In such cases, the evidence against the third party was inadequate for producing a reasonable implication of innocence regarding the defendant (Holmes v. South Carolina). Thereafter, this case was put up for direct review in the US Supreme Court. In its unanimous decision this Court

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The main objective of organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The main objective of organisation - Essay Example Organisation has the objective of division of work and defining of roles. Work in an establishment is broken down into specific tasks. These tasks are then assigned to organisational units or individuals’ best suited to perform them. The methods of performing these tasks are specified. Employees are assigned specific duties or roles depending on qualifications. Organisation leads to specialisation and development of experts leading to increase in productivity. For example an analytical chemist is found in the quality control unit of the production department. The analytical chemist performs a role he is specialised in. A sales person cannot be expected to do the analytical chemist’s work. Organisation brings about uniformity and control in the performance of duties. It is important for establishments or business to have a uniform way in which things are done in every department. These roles are usually determined during the development of the different departments in the establishment. Organisation makes it easier to establish control mechanisms against variations, errors, mistakes or deviations from norm that may have negative effects. Organisation is used to facilitate coordination in an establishment. Coordination is important if the set goals are to be achieved. Coordination is the integration of the different departments of an establishment; it involves establishing relationships between and among these departments. The combined achievement through coordination is greater than individual achievement. Coordination minimises incidences of conflicts and rivalry among departments since the responsibilities of each department are clearly defined and how these departments relate to each other is also defined (Jost 30). The other objective of organisation is to ensure effective resource alignment. Resource allocation among the department should be done in a manner that will produce the best results for the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Research Progress Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Research Progress Report - Assignment Example There are several vehicles that authorities can employ to realize the genuine, effective participation of citizens in the governance process. One such vehicle is community councils. Following the amalgamation of Toronto in 1998, six community councils were established. The community councils were meant to serve as the platform for â€Å"participating† the residents of Metropolitan Toronto, the new amalgamated city. The notion of "amalgamation" entails merging smaller local authorities with one larger municipality to form one large metropolitan area. Promoters of city amalgamations argue that it is more cost-effective to provide services and goods to one larger municipality than in several small local government areas(Schwartz, 2010). However, many scholars are of the view that amalgamation has not worked for Toronto and that the community councils are weak. This paper compares the Toronto model with two others: New York and Montreal. Scholars consider New York a success and Montreal, like Toronto, a failure. Based on the findings of the case studies, the author recommends two reform options for Toronto. Until 1997, Toronto had a two-tier regional government. The Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto comprised the upper tier while the lower tier comprised the municipalities of North York, East York, Scarborough and Toronto and the borough of York. In late 1996, the premier of Ontario proposed the amalgamation of Metropolitan Toronto. They argued that the move could save $645 million during the transition and $300 million a year afterthat (Schwartz, 2010). However, a report by KPMG revealed that the transition cost the government of Ontario $275 million while they managed to save only $135 million a year. As of 2008, the city’s budget stood at $8.1 billion, up from $5 billion in 1997. Only the number of politicians fell, but increases in the councilors staff and office budgets have canceled any cost

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Genesis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Genesis - Essay Example This Biblical assertion triggers in the mind of every Christian that there is given beginning for everything that exists on earth. It makes it clear and easy to believe that God had a plan for His creation since He decided to begin with the heaven and earth. Each step made by God in the process of creation was typically methodical. Verse two of chapter one says that, â€Å"the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters† (New International Version, Gen.1.2). This case provides the way God is really powerful. Both the first and second verses have created the impression that God has no definite beginning. This is because everything started from his creation. He could even see what to do even before light was created. This further implies that whatever God did was meant to be a blessing to the product of His work of creation, especially to human beings. This is seen in the case where he comm ands that, â€Å"Let there be light: and there was light† (New International Version, Gen.1.3). The creation story in the Christian religion is unique from other religions and scientific interpretations. In essence, various aspects or happenings found in Genesis have been attracting the attention of scientific institutions. In this regard, some institutions seem to oppose some creation stories while others aim at providing some geological and biological evidence about the stories of creation and Noah’s Flood (New International Version, Gen.9.16). The various scientific explanations and mythologies of creation and Noah’s flood have been presented in the world today, but are often accompanied with their inconsistencies and fallacies in the attempt to disagree with the Christian Bible. Nevertheless, the flood happens due to Gods anger towards human beings. The book of Genesis says that, â€Å"Never again will I curse

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Cultural Critique Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Cultural Critique - Research Paper Example Given that women make up over a half of the human population and give their huge and increasing contributions to every sector of the development the trampling on their rights is not only a great shame, but an unfortunate indictment of the civilized society throughout the world. The subjugation of women’s rights begins right at home. Women are expected to take the lead in taking care of children at home. They are the ones who have to give up their career for at least a significant amount of time in order to ensure the well-being of their new-born babies. Women bear the brunt of child-bearing, an experience still fraught with significant health dangers, especially in the under-developed a countries where a large number of women lose their lives during the birth process. In the family upbringing is meant to be a shared duty for both parents, a lot of the times the woman is still expected to be the one to give up her time and career prospects in order to raise the children. In mar riages, women also bear the brunt of domestic violence; in over 90% of cases reported the women are the victims. In the UK, for instance, one in 4 women aged 16-59 have experienced domestic abuse and 50% of these have also been raped (Women's Health& Equality Consortium 3). In cases of single mothers, women end up playing the role of both mother and father despite the fact that the conception of the child is a shared process. In education too women are at a disadvantage, especially in the developing and underdeveloped world where cultural attitudes and poverty dictate that the education of the girl-child is given less of a priority than that of the boy child. The common perception is that educating the girl only ends up benefitting the family where she will end up getting married into.This means that when a family has to prioritize who gets a chance for education, the girl child is always disadvantaged. In the lower basic education levels, thus, even though the developed countries h ave managed to more or less equalize the schooling of girls and boys, this is not the case in the majority of the rest of the world. A large proportion of women in Africa, Asia, and even the Eastern European states are still greatly disadvantaged when it comes to educational opportunities. When the girls find their way to school, they are still discriminated against when it comes to certain courses of studies. In many countries there are still beliefs that women are somehow not as proficient as men in such fields as sciences, architecture, medicine, engineering, math, and other â€Å"brain taxing† studies which leads to stereotyping of the kinds of courses that women end up taking at school. At the high end of the education ladder too, women still find a glass ceiling when it comes to postgraduate and doctoral studies. In American Universities, for example, despite the fact that 53% of the students are women, 72% of the faculty are men, many of them in tenured positions while the women mostly have untenured or part time positions (Penn State University). The workplace is the one place where women are still very disadvantaged in both the developed and the underdeveloped world. Women face disadvantages and discrimination in getting senior and management jobs, they never get equal pay for equal work with

Friday, August 23, 2019

Outline Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Outline - Thesis Example 1. Saline wastewater: Agro-food, petroleum and leather industries. The discharge of such wastewater continually increases in salinity and organic content. Without prior treatment, there is adversely effects on the aquatic life, water portability and agriculture (Wadvalla, 2011). 2. Menopause and ovarian cancer: the rodent ovary contains an enzyme system capable of metabolising polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. It occurs with reactivation of electrophilic intermediates known to cause cytotoxicity, mutation and cancer (Rodrik, 2009). 3. Wildlife extinction: industrial air pollution have been known to cause sickness and death of the later for over 100 years. Primary effects include direct mortality, debilitating industrial related disease, anaemia conditions, physiological stress and bioaccumulation. Some air pollutions have caused a change in the distribution of certain wildlife species (Pascual Khalil, 2014). The questionnaires were assessed by using the SPSS and that most of the people living near industrial places were affected more than those living far away from industrial places among the people in the Middle East. Most of the industrial pollution levels affects people living on the planet and r all linked to the emergence of industries. The more reason for agencies and governments t take action is because environmental degradation is at a very high rate. In addition, most countries are at the industrial stage hence developing more industries currently without view of the pollution effect. The governments and bodies in charge of the environment should act and act

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Uno work in ukraine Essay Example for Free

Uno work in ukraine Essay Foreign relations of Ukraine have started to develop after it accepted the Declaration of State Sovereignty in 1990 and especially after the Act of Independence of Ukraine was announced in 1991. Ukraine was until then, although it had its own seat in the United Nations and was one of its 51 founding states, a part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and thus unable to lead it own foreign policy. The Declaration of Independence became the cornerstone and starting point creation of the foreign policy guidelines that would meet the criteria of the present-day situation. The priorities of Ukrainian foreign policy have gone through a long process of alteration, mostly because of complex domestic and global situation. During the first years of its independence the main foreign policy goals were to win international recognition of Ukraine and establish relations with other countries, especially with the neighbouring former Soviet republics and with other European and worlds countries. Other vital parts of this process were aimed at securing national security of the country, assuring territorial integrity and extend the diplomatic network. One of the most significant steps in the construction of the legal basis of Ukraine’s international relations was the motion on the Basic Directions of the Foreign Policy of Ukraine, accepted by Ukrainian parliament in 1993. This document determined Ukraine’s key national interest in the foreign policy, defined its principles and guidelines and set the priorities of the foreign policy. The following priorities were outlined in the resolution: development of bilateral interstate relationships,  enlargement of the participation in the European co-operation, collaboration with the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) member states, participation in United Nations (UN) and other international organisations. In the following years (1994 1997) Ukraine started to gain status of being an influential state in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. A lot of efforts were made to involve the nation in general European processes. The foreign policy shifted its focus from establishing international relations to promoting Ukrainian national interests. As the integration process in Europe developed, so did the Ukraine’s interest in being involved in European and Euro-Atlantic structures. Ukraine took dynamic part in all the processes taking in both Europe and the world. Its first priority was to renew European identity which primarily meant its integration into European structures, especially in the European Union, in reinforcement of European and Atlantic partnerships, and active participation in local projects and mechanisms of cooperation. Ukraines involvement in European integration processes is necessary to get membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO). Europe orientated foreign policy doesn’t prevent Ukraine to develop bilateral collaboration with strategic partners, such as the Russian federation, the United States of America Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Poland. Further efforts will be invested in development of other bilateral agreements, especially with countries in Central and South Asia, the Asian-Pacific region and in the Middle East. Current prospects in Ukrainian foreign policy are slightly insecure. The domestic crisis which out broke after March 2006 parliamentary elections and resulted in the failure to re-establish the Orange Coalition has led to multi-vectorism in Ukraine’s foreign policy. Multi-vectorism is a result of different foreign policy expressed by the president and the prime minister. Regardless of the current problems, Ukraine’s foreign policy has shown much continui ty and it is likely to stay the case. Recent developments suggest that a consensus have emerged on all important foreign policy issues. Read more:

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Honorary members of the institution Essay Example for Free

Honorary members of the institution Essay It is with great pride and honor that I express my heartfelt appreciation for giving us, the students, and the guidance that we need to pursue with taking our dreams and for having been given the chance to enroll in an institution with competent instructors and high quality learning. The competence of the school is beyond compare greater than what I have first expected upon stepping on the floors of this prestigious foundation of education. Hence, with all due respect, I believe that what we have acquired in this institution, all the rationally beneficial fundamentals need to be harnessed on a larger view of human behavior. It is evident that there are skilled and outstanding students who are good at writing—academically able—hence possess dilemmas when it comes to public speaking, socially crippled and unable to open up their â€Å"social abilities† which I believe plays an important role as a university student. We, the students, are expected to raise the name of the institution with flying colors. In behalf of the future professionals intellectually crafted by this institution marvel, we are requesting for a summer camp which will cater several seminars on public speaking with the help of public relations and parliamentary procedure specialists so that we shall be thoroughly prepared when we finally face the bigger world that awaits our journey in life. The seminar will not only draw out the intellectual capacity of the students, but it will also enhance the students’ social skills and moral values by interacting with the other graduates. The series of seminars will also be charity work, wherein the proceeds shall be offered to deserving outreach organizations so as to start shaping the youth not only as students alone, but as public servants as well. We are asking for the administration’s benevolent support in pushing through with this activity since we believe that it is our teachers who can lead us to the brightest star there is. Reference Fry, H. (2002). A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Enhancing Academic Practice. New York, NY: RoutledgeFalmer.

Investigation into Stress Capacity

Investigation into Stress Capacity This physics experiment was conducted to investigate stress capacity or known as tensile strength. We had to determine the relationship between the force applied on an object and the extension of the elastic material. The link between the force applied and the extension of the spring is governed by Hookes Law. To establish this connection, we need to measure the relationship between the force applied and the extension. We did this by adding a series of masses, which builds the force on the spring (The Professor, 2016). Hookes Law: When an elastic object is stretched, the expanded length is called extension. The extension of the elastic object is directly proportional to the force applied to it also known as F=kx. F is Force and expressed in Newtons (N). k is the spring constant expressed in newtons per metre (N/m) x is the extension expressed in metres (m). (BBC Bitesize, 2016) A force causes an object to undergo changes, forces that are unbalanced change speed, shape or direction. Gravitational forces are only in effect if there are two or more masses while friction opposes motion (BBC Bitesize,2017). Forces that affected this experiment are: Gravitational Force, Applied Force, Tensional Force. Gravitational Force: A force of attraction between all objects, it depends on the masses of the object and the distance between them. The larger object, the stronger the gravitational force. Applied Force: A force when an object is being pushed or pulled by another object. Applied forces causes an object to undergo changes in acceleration, velocity and direction. The force equation is F=ma. Tensional Force: It is a force that is transmitted through a string, cable, elastic band, rope or a wire. Tensional force is directed along the length of the object when it is pulled by forces from opposite ends. The relationship between stress and strain is known as the stress-strain curve. It is different for each material and is found by recording the amount of deformation at distinct intervals of tensile or compressive loading. Strain is relative change in shape or size of an object due to externally applied forces. This means it becomes dimensionless and has no units. Stress is the internal force (per unit area) associated with strain. It is predicted that the two materials will show different conclusions. I believe that the silicon tube has higher capability of holding larger masses. It depends on the length and thickness of the material. The prediction is that the silicon tube will have the highest stress capacity and wont have a long extension while the elastic band will stretch the furthest but wons have much stress capacity. Equipment Retort Stand Clamp 1 Metre Ruler Mass Hanger Silicon Tube Elastic Band 50g and 100g Masses Notebook and Pen Procedure Setup Retort stand and clamp. To start with, place the material/object on without any stress. Measure the weight of the mass hanger. Measure the length of the material/object. Place mass on it and measure the length to figure out extension Record results on table Repeat step 5, three times for each weight to allow results to be reliable then find average. Keep repeating step 5,6,7 until enough data has been recorded for each material Milan Abraham Elastic Band Mass (kg) Force Original Length 1st Extension 2nd Extension 3rd Extension Average 0 0 14.9 0.061 0.60N 14.9 +1.1 (16) +0.9 (15.8) +1 (15.9) +1 (15.9) 0.161 1.58N 14.9 +1.5 (16.4) +1.4 (16.3) +1.5 (16.4) +1.5 (16.4) 0.261 2.56N 14.9 +1.8 (16.7) +1.7 (16.6) +1.9 (16.8) +1.8 (16.7) 0.361 3.54N 14.9 +2.1 (17) +2 (16.9) +2.2 (17.1) +2.1 (17) 0.461 4.52N 14.9 +2.4 (17.3) +2.3 (17.2) +2.6 (17.5) +2.4 (17.3) 0.561 5.50N 14.9 +2.9 (17.8) +2.9 (17.8) +2.7 (17.6) +2.8 (17.7) Milan Abraham Silicon Tube Mass (kg) Force Original Length 1st Extension 2nd Extension 3rd Extension Average 0 0 72.2 0.061 0.60N 72.2 +2.3 (74.5) +2.3 (74.5) +2.8 (75) +2.5 (74.7) 0.161 1.58N 72.2 +4.3 (76.5) +4.3 (76.5) +4.3 (76.5) +4.3 (76.5) 0.261 2.56N 72.2 +5.3 (77.5) +6.3 (78.5) +5.8 (78) +5.8 (78) 0.361 3.54N 72.2 +7.8 (80) +7.8 (80) +8.3 (80.5) +8 (80.2) 0.461 4.52N 72.2 +8.8 (81) +8.3 (80.5) +8.8 (81) +8.6 (80.8) 0.561 5.50N 72.2 +10.3 (82.5) +9.8 (82) +9.8 (82) +10 (82.2) 0.98 1.4 0.7 The Elastic band and Silicon tube was hung vertically with a mass hanger to the end of the material. Masses from 61g to 561g were added. The length of the elastic band was measured once it was at rest. In this structure, certain forces were in effect. Gravitational force directed the hanging masses downwards. The Applied Force in this case is the masses pushes the elastic material downwards with gravity supporting it.   Restoring Force directs the elastic material upwards, in the opposite direction of displacement. Tension is directed through each material pulling each end. Using Newtons Law the spring constant was calculated for each material. F=ma was transferred into W=mg to calculate gravity. To find the spring constant for the elastic band, mass was turned into dynes. Gravity times mass= dynes. 9836.07 times 0.561 = 5518.04 dynes. Then it is dynes divided by extension(cm) which is 5518.07 divided by 2.8 = 1970.74 dynes/cm which is 1.97N/m. The spring constant for the silicon t ube was which is 0.55N/m. The intercept for the best fit straight line is close to the origin and is also consistent with Hookes Law. To minimise errors, we should have viewed the ruler from specific angles to make sure it was vertical. The scale should be viewed at eye level to avoid parallax error. There were some issues with the retort stand so some equipment was not fit for the experiment and were faulty. In some instances, we needed to make sure that when the person was adding mass, he didnt stretch the material while he was doing it so the results could be accurate. We reduced the decimal places to two so that results could be easy to substitute while being accurate. The hypothesis was predicted to be that the elastic band while have a longer extension than the silicon tube and the silicon tube would be stronger than the elastic band. The prediction wasnt correct as from results it says that silicon tube had a bigger extension which was a surprising result as the material was much thicker. The elastic band had the best result because it showed results that were somewhat predicted and accurate. Through this experiment investigated stress capacity, Hookes Law and certain forces which have influenced the experiment. The hypothesis wasnt as predicted. For this experiment, we determine the spring constant and Youngs Module, we had to interpret the behaviour of two different materials. The results will be analysed to determine what is happening to the materials physically and which one is more capable of the masses. The two types of materials used for this experiment were an elastic band and a tube of silicon rubber.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Hayakawa Ch. 10 :: essays research papers

Hayakawa Chapter 10 †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Giving Things Names o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A differentiation set itself up, and, abstracting the common characteristics. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The question what is it really? Or what is its right name? are nonsense questions. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Things can only have â€Å"right names† only if there is a necessary connection between symbols and things being symbolized. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What we call things and where we draw the line between one class of things and another depends upon the interests we have and the purpose of the classification. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Each is useful for its purpose. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If our culture upbringing was different, the world would look different to us. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Also, many people can’t distinguish between like things. For example salmon, perch, pickerel, etc. They just call them â€Å"fish.† o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When we name something we are classifying. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The individual object or event we are naming has no name and belongs to no class until we put it in one. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The extensional meaning of a word determines a prior existence. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In matters of â€Å"race† and â€Å"nationality†, in the way in which classifications work is especially apparent. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The effect that each classification has upon what he may or many not do constitutes their â€Å"reality.† o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It would be exactly as justifiable to say that any person with even a small amount of â€Å"white blood† is â€Å"white†. Because the former system of classification suits the convenience of those making the classification. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Classification isn’t a matter of identifying â€Å"essences† but it is simply a reflection of social convenience or necessity. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As soon as the process of classification is completed, our attitudes and our conduct are determined. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Blocked Mind o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Snap judgments suggests that such errors can be avoided by thinking more slowly; this isn’t the case, for some people think very slowly with no better results. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What we are concerned with is the way in which we block the development of our own minds by automatic reactions. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some people may say, â€Å"A Jew is a Jew and there’s no getting around that.† o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  They have an extensional Jew with the fictitious â€Å"Jew† inside their heads. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The fictitious â€Å"Jew† inside their heads remains unchanged in spite of their experiences. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some people ignore the characteristics left out in the process of classification. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cow 1 Is Not Cow 2 o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Practically all statements in ordinary conversation, debate, and public controversy taking the form â€Å"Republicans are Republicans† are not true. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An example is â€Å"business is business.† The 1st business invokes denotes the transaction under discussion and the 2nd invokes the connotations of the word. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The terms of the classification tell us what the individuals in that class have in common.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Charge of the Light Brigade :: Free Essays

The Charge of the Light Brigade October 1854, the attention of the world's most powerful empire was fixed on the territories of modern-day Ukraine. It was by no means a benevolent gaze the British Empire cast eastward. For it was the Crimean War, and at Balaclava, Britain took a beating which has been immortalized in Lord Alfred Tennyson's poem, The Charge of the Light Brigade. Half a league, half a league, half a league onward - repetition is used. There is a sense of movement distance and rhythm. All in the valley of Death rode the six hundred - valley of death is a metaphorical language. 600 hundred becomes important later on. "Forward, the Light Brigade! "Charge for the guns!" he said: - this is direct speech, very adventurous. Into the valley of Death rode the six hundred - slowly building up, repetition. "Forward, the Light Brigade! " - more repetition Was there a man dismayed? - Was there a man not looking into it, all doing there duty, sense of doubt. Their's not to make reply, Their's not to reason why, Their's but to do and die: - rhythm, only concentrating on the duty. Don't reason why just do it. Into the valley of Death rode the six hundred - repetition Cannon to right of them, Cannon to left of them, Cannon in front of them Volley'd and thunder'd; - sense of awareness, repetition, surroundings, danger and movement, sound and excitement. Into the jaws of Death, into the mouth of hell - jaws of death is a metaphor. Speaking as if they're going into a mouth, nearly there. Excitement but much danger. Sense of hesitation. Rode the six hundred - repetition Flash'd all their sabres bare, Flash'd as they turn'd in air, - the waving of their swords. Sabring the gunners there, Charging an army, while all the world wonder'd: - the waving of their swords. Fighting against guns. 'ALL the world wondered', how honourable.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Ellen Foster :: Free Essays

Kaye Gibbons, the author of the novel Ellen Foster, believes that a quote from the Emerson’s â€Å"Self Reliance† is connected with Ellen’s struggle to survive and find her way in the world. The first line of this quote says, â€Å"Cast the bantling on the rocks† is related to Ellen herself. A bantling is an abandoned child. Ellen is a bantling even though she was not abandoned, she was deprived of a normal childhood. Her life as a child was extremely hard, physically and emotionally. She never had a mother or father take care of her through her entire youth. You could say that her childhood was â€Å"cast on the rocks†. The last line reads, â€Å"Power and speed be hands and feet†. This reminds me of how Ellen ran from her problems at home and stayed away from her house as much as possible. The line also represents strength and Ellen was a strong person. She dealt with losing a mother, father and grandmother within one year. She never even h ad a good relationship with her father or grandmother. The short inscription to â€Å"Self Reliance† is almost a short summary of Ellen’s character. In it, a child without parents is raised by someone that is a lot different than she is. After Ellen’s mother died, she is unwillingly left with her alcoholic father who mistreats her. Ellen spent a lot of time at her friend, Starletta’s house and at the house of her grandmother. Life with her grandmother was no better than life with her father. She did not want to be in either situation. After living with her grandmother, Ellen’s struggle to find a suitable, comforting home comes to an end. For the second time in her life, a family member has died right next to her, basically in her arms. Ellen is able to overcome this, even as a

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Every dark cloud has a silver lining.

Dialogue between the Bank Manager and a client about opening an account. Client: Sir, Excuse me. May I come in? B. Manager: Yes you may come in. Client: I am Miss. Mary and I come from Oakmont. Manager: What can do for you? Sir, I would like to open an account in your Bank. Manager: May I know your profession? Sir, I working as secondary Grade Teacher in Oakmont High School at Superman Manager: Why do you want to open an account in the state Bank of India? Client: Sir, I have Just Joined my duty in the school last week.It's a mandatory or the teachers to have an account opened in the state Bank of India, because the salary is paid through the banks. Manager: Well, then please fill up the application form to open an account in your name. Client: Yes, Sir. Can I get the application form? Manager: Yes, you can collect from the next desk. Prior to It please produce the following document: 1. Your ID proof 2. Residential proof 3. Pan Card 4. Ration card 5. Age proof etc†¦ Client: Sir , excuse me right now I do not have all the documents. Can I come tomorrow, sir?Manager: Yes, It Is better that if come with all the comments tomorrow it would be very easy to fill up the form. Client: Sir, should I take the application form and go? Manager: Yes, it would be better so that tomorrow the work will go faster. (The client goes near the gate, as he reaches the gate the manager calls her back) Manager: Hello, Miss. Mary. Client: Yes, Sir. Manager: Something which Is very Important that I have forgotten. Client: What Is it SST Manager: It Is regarding the witness. Client: What It means by witness?Manager: Witness means that the person one who has the bank account In our Ann. Has to Introduce you to the bank. Client: Is It compulsory, Sir. Manager: Yes, It Is mandatory. Otherwise you will not be able open an account. Client: Thank you very much, Sir. I am very much pleased with you for Glenn me all the Information needed to open an account In your bank. Manager: k. Thank yo u. Client: Thank you so much, Sir. I shall come with a witness and with all the documents tomorrow. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. By monogamy 23 Manager: Yes, you can collect from the next desk. Prior to it please produce the Can I come tomorrow, sir?Manager: Yes, it is better that if come with all the Manager: Something which is very important that I have forgotten. Client: What is it Sir? Manager: It is regarding the witness. Client: What it means by witness? Manager: Witness means that the person one who has the bank account in our bank has to introduce you to the bank. Client: Is it compulsory, Sir. Manager: Yes, It is mandatory. Otherwise you will not be able open an account. Client: Thank you very much, Sir. I am very much pleased with you for giving me all the information needed to open an account in your bank. Manager: k. Thank you.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Moral Values Essay

The fabric of any society is held together by the standards of morality that we maintain and practice. Values are our personal set of beliefs about what is important, unimportant, right, wrong, good and bad. When we are confronted by choices, options, or moral dilemmas, the decisions we make will indicate what values we hold. Human values give worthiness and respect to life. The foundation of human values are based on  · Dignity of human life  · Respect and consideration for the â€Å"other†  · The importance of integrity and service  · An attitude of non-violence  · The individual and collective quest for peace and happiness. In other words, values are a kind of a map in our minds of how things are or should be. Values are only our perception of the principles of nature that govern our lives or the universe, and not these principles themselves. People think that there should be a specific set of principles protecting and governing all human beings. However, others b elieve that values can be accepted in one culture and rejected in another culture. This idea is based on the belief that moral principles differ across cultures. Our moral values are our beliefs about what is important in life. Some values refer to how one should act (be honest, altruistic, self-disciplined) while other values refer to what one wants to accomplish or obtain in life (a lot of money, fame, a family, friendships, world peace). Because a person cannot â€Å"have it all† or â€Å"be all things,† priorities must be set and choices made. Setting your priorities often leads to value conflicts. We may want to be successful in your career, but we may also want a more relaxing lifestyle and more time to spend with friends and family. Here, the value of success may come into conflict with the value of family. Some examples of moral values are: integrity, respect, caring, justice, civic virtue, and openness. Anyway I am worried about the fact that our society is in moral decline. Morality is a very broad and complicated topic due to the fact that it is based primarily on individual opinions. Moral values constantly change with the generations. However, most people would agree that today’s moral values are more tolerant of behaviour that, a generation ago, would have been considered obscene and immoral. For example, sex on television is accepted by today’s public as normal, but until the 1980s one could hardly say the  word â€Å"sex† on television without being condemned. Yes, our society is currently in a rapid decline of moral values. Judging by current statistics, all that once was immoral is now considered moral. It seems as though people have lost their conscience and are now controlled by their surroundings. The majority of youth all over the world know very little about Moral Values. Very often the behaviour of children in society proves that moral values are hardly even a subject of importance. Today, the violence and crimes often occur when a troubled teen or a fragile child cannot handle the pressure and stress of reality. The influential factor of violence spreads so easily; a child finds this influence simply by turning the television set on. In fact, any news channel unfortunately shows the actions of teenagers committing the violent act of murder without any remorse. All of this animosity and chaos within children begin with not knowing the difference between the right and the wrong. But something should be done. The positive influence of religion, education, and peers greatly effect a child’s manner and behaviour. Traditional values and important lessons from these sources certainly help a child to understand the distinction between right and wrong choices in life. An important value for children to be aware of is the benefit of religion. The church teaches children to accept the existence of a being higher than man and gives a child the possibility to learn the moral values the way the Bible presents them. By understanding the responsibility of choice making, young people learn to think about the consequences or aftermath of their decision. Religion serves as a foundation for knowing the difference between the right and the wrong. The involvement of religion better prepares children for certain difficulties in life. The value of education is an important tool that induces the growth of young people to a more sophisticated level. Education builds knowledge and integrity into the minds of children. School also guides children away from trouble; with essays and math problems, a child has no time for trouble. Parents must emphasize the importance of education to their children. Education strengthens the capabilities of the youth. A child becomes a better individual when he experiences the goodness of church, education, and  friendship; that is the relevancy of values and lessons. In order for the nation to minimize crime, the children of this generation must reevaluate their choices and responsibilities in life. They also need the assistance of parents and teachers for guidance through the tough reality of today’s decision making. The aim should be to produce morally viable, responsible individuals and not scholars. Sadly today the virtues like honesty, integrity and respect are considered old fashioned. There has been gradual erosion in these values. The growing crime rate among the children in the developed nations is a good instance of lack of moral values. Whenever and wherever preference is given to materialism over moral values, it leads to total chaos. No one can be at peace, be it an individual, a community, a nation, or the whole world. Moral education is not something that can be imposed on someone from outside; rather it is a way of life. Fast changing society has its special problem – old social structures go away and replaced by new ones. Hence the old moral values get into the clash with the new ones, and this is not a clash of different social groups, this is a clash inside one person. Market based society, which by its nature breaks boundaries between individuals, creating more opportunities, creates moral problems. As a result – there are two sets of contradicting moral values in the person’s mind and there is no balance. These are the examples – changing relationship between sexes, between employer and employee leading to the internal conflict of moral values. It is matter of great concern and regret that today upbringing means providing good food, clothes and luxuries of life only. Moral values are no longer an integral part of a child’s rearing up. Some years back, grand parents provided moral education to grand children in the form of bedtime stories. But with the advent of nuclear families, moral education has become the responsibility of the educational institutions. But it should be the responsibility of the parents to bring out the best and divine in their child. There is no more powerful creature for a child than parents. The system of learning and adaptation to the life and society in particular is based on hungry absorption by kids of behavioural patterns and ideas from parents. Parents share subconsciously and freely with their kids all they know up to the point, when kids get problems. Actually it is very hard to limit voluntarily parental control, even harder to find the right balance. At least subconsciously, adults perceive their kids as a continuation of themselves. This perception produces protective and controlling behaviour, which kids need to survive and learn. However there is an important kid’s need which adults do not perceive – the need to learn how to make decisions and the need to make them. I mean real decisions, which carry serious consequences, decisions which adults make all the time, which no adult can avoid, and which adults do not want to avoid, because they are the essence of the life. Drugs and crime endanger the survival potential of youth and parents as well as educators. They endanger children’s future and threaten the very fabric of society. Drugs inevitably lead to ruined lives. Harmful actions and criminal behaviour bring unhappiness, and not just for the victim but the perpetrator as well. In today’s world, teaching youth the difference between right and wrong is not just a good idea, it is a vital action that directly relates to the survival potential and happiness of children and society. As an educator and one who truly cares about the well-being and future of our children parents really have an opportunity to help young people steer away and stay away from lives of drugs and crime. A little reflection will show that most of great men were great because they were more humane than the rest of us. With total chaos and dwindling moral values, and a mad rush for material comforts, it has become clear that it is only moral education that can bring solace to the otherwise tormented soul.

Ict Can Be Taught To Pupils Secondary Schools Education Essay

The purpose of this assignment is to happen out on how best ICT can be taught to students in secondary schools. The chief focal point is on whether ICT should be taught as ‘the topic ‘ or ‘in topics ‘ . ‘ICT as the topic ‘ refers to the instruction of the National Curriculum for ICT as a distinct topic. ‘ICT – in the topics ‘ refers to ICT being used as a instruction and larning tool in other topics and that it being taught through those topics, Hawkins and Simons ( 2009 ) . Before traveling into the item of the focal point of the assignment, I will briefly explicate the background of instruction of ICT. The term Information and Communication Technology ( ICT ) was introduced in the National Curricula of England and Wales ( DfEE, 1999 ) to specify sets of tools used to treat and pass on information. Prior to the debut of ICT, Information Technology ( IT ) was used to depict the same tools. IT referred to the usage of information in order to run into human demand or aim, particularly in the concern universe, ( Kennewell, Parkinson and Tanner, 2007, p1 ) . Regardless of the footings used to depict the tools, the jobs that arise in secondary schools are linked to developing in instructors, students and establishments the ability and disposition to utilize tools suitably to command state of affairss in which information is processed and communicated. Processing and pass oning information prevarication at the bosom of instruction and acquisition in secondary schools, and suggests that ICT capableness should be cardinal to effectual secondary instruction, ( Tanner, 2007 ) . In the past five old ages at that place has been a slow but steady betterment in students ‘ accomplishments in ICT capableness, the quality and criterion of instruction, and the leading and direction of ICT. The complementary usage of ICT across topics, nevertheless, has been slow to develop and is uneven across schools and topics. The effectual balance between the instruction of ICT accomplishments, cognition and apprehension on the one manus and the application of these as portion of larning across topics on the other manus remains a hard and elusive end for the bulk of schools. ( DfES, 2004 ) . Harmonizing to Hawkins and Simmons, ( 2009 ) , the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority ( QCA ) made an extended audience and research prior to the printing the new secondary National Curriculum ( QCA, 2007 ) . When they compared it to the old National Curriculum Programme of Study for ICT ( DfEE, 1999 ) , they found that there are no major alterations to content and construct taught. The national course of study is structured around programmes of survey for the topics covered by the National course of study. ICT has a distinct programme of survey which clarifies what should be taught throughout the school old ages, including Key phases 3 and 4 for old ages 7 and 9 and old ages 10 and 11 severally. During the National Curriculum reappraisal, the QCA made audiences of different stakeholders which included students, parents, instructors and employers. Their findings concluded that immature people should go successful scholars who enjoy larning, do advancement and achieve. They shoul d go confident persons who are able to take safe, healthy and fulfilling lives. They should besides be citizens who make a positive part to society. ( Waters, 2007, 2008 ) . To summarize the above, schools should learn the National Curriculum programme of survey for ICT and give students chances to use and develop ICT capableness across the course of study. Pupils ‘ ICT capableness can merely be applied and developed in topics if it has been taught efficaciously in the first topographic point. The National Curriculum for ICT sets out the ICT capableness that needs to be taught. The Key Stage 3 National Strategy gives elaborate counsel, through the publication, the Framework for learning ICT capableness: Old ages 7, 8 and 9 ( DfES 0321/2002 ) , and sample learning units, on how this may be achieved. It recommends that ICT be taught as a distinct topic so that the subsequent ICT capableness can be applied and developed efficaciously in all topics. If the ICT strand of the Key Stage 3 National Strategy has been implemented successfully so students will convey a sound degree of ICT capableness to other capable lessons. Students will non necessitate to be taught the ICT but will be able to ‘apply and develop ‘ ICT to travel acquisition in the other topics frontward. This will supply capable instructors with extra outlooks and chances for learning and larning in their topic. Furthermore, there is a clear differentiation between the usage of ICT and instruction of ICT. Simply utilizing ICT in a lesson does non needfully supply larning chances for the underpinning constructs: it will non ever construct and develop capableness. However, there are some people who argue that because ICT is used in other topics and that it is being taught through those topics. Normally this usage helps to reenforce the acquisition which has already taken topographic point in an ICT lesson instead than presenting new ICT constructs. Teachers of other topics are, rather of course, focussed on their capable country, non on ICT learning. To clear up this more clearly, we can see the instruction of English as an illustration. English is spoken and listened to in every capable country, but the legitimacy of learning English as a distinct topic is ne'er called into inquiry by any 1. This therefore concludes that there are other constructs and procedures which require a capable specia lizer and dedicated course of study clip to be explored. The same applies to ICT, ( Hawkins and Simmons, 2009, p9 ) . In add-on to the above, ICT capableness involves proficient and cognitive proficiency to entree, usage, develop, create and communicate information suitably, utilizing ICT tools. Learners demonstrate this capableness by using engineering purposefully to work out jobs, analyse and exchange information, develop thoughts, create theoretical accounts and control devices. They are know aparting in their usage of information and ICT tools, and systematic in reexamining and measuring the part that ICT can do to their work as it progresses. ICT capableness is much broader than geting a set of proficient competences in package applications, although clearly these are of import. ICT capableness involves the appropriate choice, usage and rating of ICT. As a consequence, students need to cognize what ICT is available, when to utilize it and why it is appropriate for the undertaking. For case, when students are making a presentation, they use their ICT capableness to choose appropriate package, s ee fittingness for intent and lucifer content and manner to a given audience, pull stringsing informations to prove a hypothesis, or integrating sound and picture into a presentation to add significance and impact. It is of import to repeat that, whatever the degree of ICT capableness applied, it must add value to learning and larning in the topic. It is of import that lessons are non driven by package or engineering but are focused on clear aims in the topic, where ICT is used as a vehicle to back up accomplishment of those aims and to heighten instruction and acquisition in all topics. The deduction for this therefore is the fact that students will come to capable lessons with outlooks about how they might use ICT to travel their ain acquisition frontward. Capable instructors will non necessitate to learn ICT capableness but can work new chances for students to use and develop the capableness that they already have, to heighten their acquisition in topics. Consequently, the focal point of the lesson remains steadfastly rooted in the topic and instructors are non burdened with the demand to learn ICT, ( DfES, 2004 ) . In add-on to the above, there are deductions for capable instructors, in that they will necessitate a good apprehension of the comprehensiveness of ICT capableness that students have been taught and will be conveying to their lesson. Teachers will besides necessitate to cognize which parts of ICT capableness offer important chances for learning and larning in their ain topic and how they can be incorporated into bing strategies of work. Furthermore, the usage of ICT demands to be purposeful and to add value to the instruction and acquisition of the topic and should non be seen merely as a bolt-on. It needs to be carefully integrated into the capable lessons, with a clear principle for its usage, ( DfES, 2004 ) . This is supported by Kennewell et Al. ( 2000, pp8-9 ) , where he considers ICT as diverse in nature. He alleges that ICT may be viewed as Key accomplishments, which like literacy and numeracy, underpins larning in a scope of capable countries. He goes on to look at ICT as a Resource, which should be used by schools to back up and widen the nature of instruction and acquisition across the course of study. Kennewell besides regards ICT as a subject on its ain like English, Mathematics, or Geography with its ain characteristic signifiers of cognition, accomplishment and apprehension. To add on to the above, students ‘ ability to use their ICT capableness across the course of study is mostly dependent on the effectual instruction and acquisition of ICT in the first topographic point. Pupils ‘ usage of ICT in other topics may be uneffective if they do non already have an appropriate degree and apprehension of ICT capableness. This may ensue in a deficiency of advancement in both ICT and the capable country. For illustration, inquiring students to bring forth a presentation in a given topic will be unproductive if they have small experience of utilizing the package or apprehension of how to make significance and impact for a given audience. Students who try to larn new countries of ICT at the same clip as new capable content will frequently neglect in both enterprises. In a nut shell, this means that before using ICT in other topic, it is hence important that students are taught the appropriate ICT capableness, ( DfES, 2002 ) . Although the demand to learn ICT as a discrete topic has been over emphatic, there may be some chances for facets of ICT capableness to be taught in a different capable country and so besides applied in an appropriate context. For case, the control elements of the National Curriculum for ICT could be taught within Design and Technology. However, learning capable aims and ICT aims at the same clip can be debatable and instructors should be cognizant of the potency for the lesson to lose sight of the ICT aims. Advancement in the instruction and acquisition of a peculiar topic can besides be disrupted by the clip taken to learn the needed ICT constituent from abrasion. Furthermore, an effectual execution of ICT across the course of study is much more complex and involves strategic direction and coordination within whole school policies. For an effectual theoretical account of using and developing ICT across the course of study, there should be an effectual instruction of the National Curriculum programme of survey for ICT as a distinct topic. There should besides be appropriate chances for students to use and develop ICT capableness in a scope of topics and contexts, that is, movable cognition, accomplishments and apprehension. Another factor could be the deployment of resources so that capable countries can entree ICT when it is needed, including proviso of ICT within capable schoolrooms or countries. In this instance, there should be a policy for buying of resources that maximises their usage and allows for flexibleness of usage, for illustration, whole-class instruction, small-group work, single instructor usage ; this could include consideration of whole-school networking proviso, laptops and radio networking capableness. There could besides be appropriate subject-specific resources in all sections, which are se lected on the footing of carry throughing capable larning aims. This should include planned usage of ICT in strategies of work for all topics, so that resources can be suitably deployed and organised. The whole-school policies which clearly map and sequence chances for application and development of ICT, so that pupils conveying the appropriate ICT capableness to capable lessons should besides be drawn. This as a consequence will take to whole-staff consciousness of ICT capableness and what can moderately be expected of students in each twelvemonth, ( DfES, 2005a ) . Many schools continue to cleaving to a belief that cross-curricular proviso can present good patterned advance in ICT capableness, in malice of review grounds to the reverse over recent old ages. The weight of grounds suggests that what works best is a balance between distinct proviso and the application of ICT capableness across other topics, ( Ofsted, 2005 ) . So far the usage of ICT has been reviewed as a acquisition tool for students and has been acknowledged that students who are confident and proficient in ICT can convey with them chances for widening their acquisition as they use their ICT in other topics in the school course of study. Use of ICT by a instructor may affect small or no usage of ICT by students and, accordingly may make little to use and develop their ICT capableness. However, usage of ICT by the instructor can heighten and excite the acquisition experiences of students and contribute to the accomplishment of capable aims. It is of import to recognize the different parts that ICT can do to learning and larning and admit the importance of each. A policy for ICT across the course of study should see all these elements and the relationships between them, ( DfES, 2004 ) . Having mentioned all the above, I am now traveling to concentrate on discoursing on how the cognition of ICT capablenesss can assist ease instruction and acquisition in different secondary school topics. First, I am traveling to look at how the usage of ICT can raise criterions in History. There will be a demand for effectual communicating between the history and ICT sections in order to further a clear apprehension of the timescale during which students should hold developed the different ICT capableness in each twelvemonth. History instructors will necessitate to place chances to work students ‘ ICT capableness to travel acquisition in the capable forward. They will besides necessitate to see whether the usage of ICT is appropriate to the facet of history being taught. Information is the natural stuff of history. It will hence be of import that students are critical in its usage and understand the relevancy to an question of peculiar beginnings of information. Use of ICT allows students to entree and engage with an tremendous scope of information beginnings as a footing for independent historical questions. For case, students in Year 9 were look intoing the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945, seeking to reply the inquiry, ‘Should the atomic bomb have been dropped? ‘ They visited web sites incorporating images and text that suggested that it was incorrect to drop the bomb. They besides visited sites that showed that the American Government was wise to drop the bomb as it saved many lives and ended Nipponese engagement in the war. They had to utilize these sites to choose grounds to assist them reply the inquiry. Further more, in ICT, students are taught to measure their work critically, to develop and better their presentation of information, to polish it for intent and audience. For case, students may utilize digital picture to make an advertizement for abroad visitants to an historic edifice in their vicinity. They may polish their work farther by inventing standards drawn from an analysis of bing Television advertizements, during the procedure of which they identify the common signifiers and conventions. A practical illustration could be students in Year 7 used a word processing plan to outline an essay, some utilizing a authorship frame, to reply a inquiry about the slaying of Thomas Becket. When they finished, the instructor provided them with extra information that altered the statement they needed to do, necessitating them to redraft their original work to take history of this. In add-on to the above, lessons may be provided in a CD-ROM. These may include illustrations of history lessons in which ICT is used to heighten instruction and acquisition. These may be chosen to give a spirit of the type of activities in which students ‘ ICT capableness can be applied and developed within the context of history. In each of the illustrations, mention is made to the ICT key construct being applied or developed. In each instance, the relevant ICT aims have been taught before they are applied in the history lesson. Another topic that I am traveling to look at how it embeds ICT as acquisition and learning tool is Citizenship. In Citizenship, ICT can be used to ease students to utilize information beginnings like web sites to critically enable them to set up balanced, informed opinions in making decisions about communities and societies. The critical scrutiny of information is a cardinal constituent of the survey of citizenship. This includes an accent on placing biased point of views and related persuasive statements. The measure of information available on the Internet gives students chances to measure both the information they receive and the web sites themselves. The usage of informations and information beginnings through ICT can assist them to develop and better these accomplishments. For case, students in Year 8 used the Internet to research the positions of assorted groups runing to reform the young person justness system, as portion of the work they were making on offense. They were able to place a scope of different positions and to measure and discourse them. They were besides able to place information that they thought was misdirecting, which led to a treatment about the demand to be critical of the beginnings of information themselves. ( DfES, 2004, p17 ) . To add to the above, for the best and effectual use of ICT in citizenship, instructors should be after the usage of ICT by students in coaction with the ICT section. Effective communicating between the two sections will instil a clear apprehension of the timescale during which students should hold developed the different ICT capableness in each twelvemonth. This will guarantee that students are equipped with appropriate ICT accomplishments and will assist instructors analyze how to construct on anterior acquisition in citizenship and ICT. This consciousness will ease the planning of strategies of work and design of lessons. This could besides be helpful to guarantee that ICT resources are available for the several lessons. Mathematicss capable instructors can besides utilize students ‘ cognition of ICT. It is of import for mathematics instructors to intercede with the ICT section to guarantee that the degrees of outlook and challenge are appropriate to pupils ‘ experiences and degrees of ICT capableness. In order to vouch the effectual usage of ICT in mathematics, Mathematicss instructors should be certain that ICT resources are available for the lesson. They should besides be able to analyze how to construct on anterior acquisition in mathematics and ICT to inform planning of strategies of work and design of lessons. Furthermore, ICT can be used to give entree to big measures of informations and provides the tools to stand for it in a assortment of ways. The ICT cardinal construct of utilizing informations and information beginnings relates to the strand of handlings informations in mathematics in which pupils specify a job, program and roll up informations. Besides, the usage of ICT allows students to screen and stand for informations expeditiously and efficaciously. It enables them to work out mathematical jobs and utilize statistical probes utilizing their ain informations every bit good as that collected by others. In add-on, utilizing ICT allows students to utilize machine-controlled procedures to increase efficiency and to make simple package modus operandis to help the geographic expedition of a mathematical state of affairs. They can undertake deeper and more effectual analysis of the mathematics, utilizing ICT. For illustration, students in Year 9 may take to make macros in spreadsheets or may utilize other automatizing maps, including nesting processs in LOGO, to research a scope of mathematical state of affairss. Use of LOGO can be good to pupils in each twelvemonth of the cardinal phase, particularly as it is easy accessible and combines facets of geometrical concluding with utilizing and using mathematics to work out jobs. ( DfES, 2004, p20 ) . ICT can be used as a tool to raise criterions in the instruction and acquisition of English in secondary schools. It can be used to back up instructors to better lesson design and transform instruction and acquisition. English instructors can besides utilize ICT to prosecute and actuate students to larn more efficaciously. Effective communicating between English and ICT sections will be indispensable to convey about a clear apprehension of the timescale during which students will hold developed the different ICT capableness in each twelvemonth. Teachers of English capable demand to place chances to work and use students ‘ capableness in ICT to travel acquisition in the capable forward. They besides need to see whether the usage of ICT is appropriate to the facet of English being taught. English can affect seeking for and choice of information, which is made easier by the usage of ICT. Through set uping good affair with ICT sections, English sections may happen that English and ICT lessons and prep may be planned hand in glove so that students use and consolidate the appropriate hunt accomplishments and techniques. More clip in English lessons can so be spent on larning schemes for choice and analysis. As an illustration, in a Year 8 lesson, students focused on accessing a scope of web sites on a given subject, and so collaboratively inventing agencies of choosing those needed to reply peculiar different inquiries on that subject. The inquiries were divided into those necessitating information, persuasion, statement, different positions and different audiences. Students worked in little groups to choose cardinal sites for different intents. This was portion of a sequence of lessons that finally required students to utilize the web sites selectively to back up an drawn-out piece of composing on an facet of the subject. Still on the same note, Year 9 students searched the Internet for images based on Macbeth. The focal point was on choosing images that were cardinal to the subjects of the drama. Pupils worked in groups to choose, salvage and publish these images, footnote them in relation to the drama and supply cardinal quotation marks to attach to the subject and image. This involved one lesson and a prep. In the following lesson, the students shared their findings with the remainder of the category. This was portion of a sequence of lessons in which the students were subsequently required to compose about cardinal subjects in the drama and supply grounds from the text. Having mentioned all the above, it is rather apparent that ICT equips students with accomplishments to assist them to take part in a quickly altering universe in which work and other activities are progressively transformed by entree to varied and developing engineering. Students may necessitate to utilize ICT tools to happen, explore, analyse, exchange and present information responsibly, creatively and with favoritism. They should larn how to use ICT to enable rapid entree to thoughts and experiences from a broad scope of people, communities and civilizations. Increased capableness in the usage of ICT can advance inaugural and independent acquisition, with students being able to do informed opinions about when and where to utilize ICT to outdo consequence, and to see its deductions for place and work both now and in the hereafter. ( eduwight web site, accesses 01/12/10 ) Furthermore, ICT has enabled gifted and talented students and those of higher ability to widen their activities and survey in more deepness. It has besides enabled students with English as an extra linguistic communication and those with particular educational demands to readily entree larning where, for illustration, the act of physically composing had antecedently acted as a barrier. Besides, the usage of the show technologies enables students to visualize stuff that would be more hard to entree in traditional formats, and is perceived to hold ‘opened up the universe ‘ . For illustration, the usage of a picture clips depository has supported showing gases in scientific discipline and motion in design and engineering. Supported with teacher account, it is believed that the focal point on traveling images has truly enhanced acquisition. In add-on the picture clips depository offers cartridge holders of intelligence points in children-friendly formats. ( Lewin et Al: 2007, p20 ) . In decision, it is clear and apparent that there is a common and supportive nexus between the distinct instruction of ICT and the application of ICT in other topics. This means that, hence, students should be given chances across the course of study to use and develop the ICT capableness taught in ICT lessons. These chances should be consistent across all categories, non dependent on the peculiar member of staff. Besides, guaranting that students are constructing on the ICT capableness that has already been taught has deductions for scheduling strategies of work, both for the capable countries and for ICT. This is a complex exercising, affecting all sections, and needs a whole-school attack and leading to guarantee maximal effectivity. Some schools have set up ICT across the course of study working groups to guarantee that there is ongoing duologue between capable leaders, the ICT capable leader and the ICT coordinator in the school. Monitoring the effectivity of such a policy is a c ardinal function for the senior leader with duty for ICT and will include a reappraisal of instructors ‘ apprehension of what is meant by ICT capableness in the ICT National Curriculum ;

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Aristotle and Kant Essay

Aristotle and Immanuel Kant have greatly influenced the moral and cultural views, and the way that we perceive the world as a whole now. If Aristotle was only judged solely in terms of his philosophical influence, only Plato is his peer: Aristotle’s works shaped centuries of philosophy from late antiquity through the renaissance, and even today continue to be studied with keen. On the other hand, Kant synthesized early modern rationalism and empiricism, set the terms for much of nineteenth and twentieth century philosophy, and continues to exercise a significant influence today in metaphysics, ethics, political philosophy, aesthetics, and other fields. Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and polymath. His writings cover many subjects including physics, poetry, music, biology and ethics. Together with Plato and Socrates, Aristotle is one of the most important founding figures in Western philosophy. His views on the physical sciences profoundly shaped medieval scholarship and their influence extended well into the Renaissance, although they were ultimately replaced by Newtonian physics. Immanuel Kant was a German philosopher who is widely considered to be a central figure of modern philosophy. He argued that human concepts and categories structure our view of the world and its laws, and that reason is source of morality. His thought continues to hold a major influence in contemporary thought, especially in fields such as metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, political philosophy, and aesthetics. He is seen as a major figure in the history and development of philosophy. German and European thinking progressed after his time, and his influence still inspires philosophical work today.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

General Education Essay

AUB is committed to offering its students a broad undergraduate liberal arts education that enables them to acquire the analytical skills and habits of life-long learning that they will need to compete successfully in the twenty-first century. The General Education distribution requirements are intended to expose students to a range of intellectual experiences during their time at AUB. We want to give our students the opportunity to make choices and to question and test what they believe are their career goals and their intellectual interests. In addition to courses in their academic majors and the opportunity to take minor concentrations in specific fields, all AUB students must take a minimum of 33-36 credits of general education requirements distributed in the following fields: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ 3-6 credits in English Communication Skills through English 204 (English 206 in FEA). 3 credits in Arabic Communication Skills (except those formally exempted) 6 credits in Natural Science. 12 credits in Humanities. 6 credits in Social Science. 3 credits in Quantitative Thought. We believe that a student who has chosen to follow a course of study at AUB leading to a degree in a professional field such as engineering should be exposed to the humanities and social sciences. By the same token, a student who plans to major in history should have the opportunity to take science courses and to work in a lab. While being exposed to various fields of knowledge, we also want our students to have the opportunity to experience different modes of learning (lectures, seminars, labs, and independent research projects). Different modes of analysis are designed to enhance students’ verbal and interactive skills (seminars), writing and analytic skills (research projects), and hands-on experimental skills (laboratories). These distribution requirements may be met by either required or elective courses. Humanities and Social Sciences courses are divided into two lists: List I and List II within each domain. Students are required to select their courses as follows: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Two Humanities courses from Humanity List I. (FAS Students are required to select CVSP courses) Two Humanities courses from either Humanities lists I and II. One Social Science course from Social Sciences List I. One Social Science course from either Social Sciences lists. 1 In addition, No more than two courses from the student’s major may fulfill the Humanities requirement, no more than one course from the student’s major may fulfill the Social Science requirement, and no more than one course from the student’s major may fulfill the Natural Science requirement. Students who are exempted from Arabic are required to take a Humanity or a Language course instead, unless their Faculty requires otherwise. Students who cannot fulfill the Arabic Communications Skills requirement will be asked to sit for an Arabic Placement Test. According to the result, they may take ARAB201A in replacement to the Arabic Communications Skills requirement. FAS requires that a minimum of six credits in Humanities must be taken from CVSP courses 201-208. FAS Students must complete one course from each of the two CVSP sequences; that is, one course from Sequence I followed by one course from Sequence II. The list of approved General Education courses will be updated regularly on the Registrar’s Office website. Arabic Communication Skills Courses: ARAB 201A, ARAB 201B, ARAB211, ARAB212, ARAB 221, ARAB225, ARAB 227, ARAB 228, ARAB 229, ARAB230, ARAB 231, ARAB232, ARAB234, ARAB235, ARAB236, ARAB 237, ARAB238, ARAB 243, ARAB 245, ARAB 246, ARAB249, ARAB 251J, ARAB252C, ARAB290. English Communication Skills Courses ENGL 203, ENGL 204, ENGL 206, ENGL 208 Humanities List I: AMST : AMST 215, AMST 230, AMST 240, AMST 275L, AMST 275F, AMST 275M, AMST 275N, AMST 275O, AMST 275R, AMST 275S, AMST276J, AMST276K, AMST276L, AMST276M, AMST276P ARAB 201B, ARAB 230, ARAB 232, ARAB 233, ARAB 234, ARAB 235, ARAB 238, ARAB 239, ARAB 240, ARAB 243, ARAB 247, ARAB 251 ARCH 121, ARCH 122, ARCH 223, ARCH 224 AROL 201, AROL 212, AROL 214, AROL 217, AROL 219, AROL 222, AROL 225, AROL 226, AROL 231, AROL 235I, AROL 235J, AROL235K ARAB : ARCH : AROL : 2 CVSP Sequence I : CVSP 201, CVSP 202, CVSP 205,CVSP 207A, CVSP 207C, CVSP207E, CVSP 207H, CVSP 207R,CVSP207I, CVSP295L CVSP Sequence II: CVSP 203, CVSP 204, CVSP206, CVSP 208C, CVSP 208D, CVSP 208F, CVSP 208G, CVSP 208H, CVSP 208J, CVSP208K, CVSP208L CVSP: CVSP 212, CVSP 215, CVSP 216, CVSP 217, CVSP 250, CVSP251, CVSP295O ENGL: ENGL 201, ENGL 207, ENGL210, ENGL 216, ENGL 217, ENGL219, ENGL 221,ENGL 224, ENGL 225, ENGL226, ENGL 227, ENGL 236, ENGL240, ENGL 244D, ENGL 242 , ENGL 243, ENGL 244H, ENGL 244I, ENGL 246, ENGL 249, ENGL 251 FAAH: FAAH 227A, FAAH 227B, FAAH 227C,FAAH 228A, FAAH 229A, FAAH229B, FAAH 229C, FAAH229E , FAAH238, FAAH 232, FAAH 247, FAAH 265, FAAH/TH270 HIST: HIST 201, HIST202, HIST214, HIST 212, HIST 217, HIST 218, HIST 220, HIST220B, HIST 225, HIST 226, HIST 227, HIST 234, HIST 237, HIST 238, HIST 245, HIST 251, HIST 257, HIST 258AE, HIST 258AG, HIST258AH, HIST 258AI, HIST 258AJ, HIST 258AK, HIST 258B, HIST 259, HIST262 PHIL: PHIL 201, PHIL 205, PHIL 210, PHIL 213,PHIL214, PHIL217, PHIL 218, PHIL 222, PHIL 223, PHIL 230, PHIL 231, PHIL 232, PHIL 249, PHIL 252F, PHIL 256B. OTHERS: LDEM201, PSPA 210, SOAN207/ MCOM 202, MCOM280, SOAN225, SOAN 238A/ MCOM 291 List II: AMST : ARAB : AROL : ENGL: FAAH: HIST: PHIL: OTHERS: AMST240, AMST 276I, AMST276N AMST276O, AMST275P, AMST275T, AMST275U,AMST276Q ARAB 216,ARAB 231,ARAB 236,ARAB 246, ARAB290 AROL 211, AROL 213, AROL 215, AROL 216, AROL 223, AROL 224, AROL 235F, AROL 235L ENGL 205, ENGL 211, ENGL 212, ENGL 213, ENGL 214, ENGL 215, ENGL 218, ENGL 222, ENGL 223, ENGL 229, ENGL 233, ENGL 237, ENGL239, ENGL241, ENGL 244S, ENGL 248A, ENGL 250, ENGL 252 , ENGL 253. FAAH229D, FAAH 235, FAAH 240, FAAH 241, FAAH 244, FAAH 245,  FAAH 261, FAAH262, FAAH265. HIST258AD, HIST258AM, HIST 260,HIST261 PHIL 206, PHIL 209, PHIL216, PHIL 221, PHIL 251, PHIL251D, PHIL252G, PHIL256C, PHIL257B, PHIL 260, PHIL 260G, PHIL 260E, PHIL 260F, PHIL 262C, PHIL310, PHIL312/3 BUSS 215, EDUC 228, EDUC 229, EDUC 290C, ENGM504, LDEM260,MCOM204, PSPA 216, PSPA 217, SOAN215, SOAN217, SOAN243E. Social Sciences 3 List I: ECON: EDUC: PSPA: PSYC: SOAN: OTHERS: ECON 211, ECON 212, ECON 217 EDUC 215, EDUC 223,EDUC290K PSPA 202, PSPA212, PSPA218, PSPA222, PSPA 238 PSYC 202 SOAN 201, SOAN 203, SOAN 204/ MCOM 201, SOAN 205/ MCOM 203, SOAN 206/ MCOM 240, SOAN 210, SOAN213, SOAN221, SOAN 227,SOAN 228/ MCOM 220, SOAN 229/ MCOM 221, SOAN 230 MCOM 250, SOAN 231/ MCOM 251, SOAN 233/ MCOM 260, SOAN 236/ MCOM 241, MCOM242, MCOM252, SOAN 240, SOAN 241, SOAN 243/ MCOM 261, MCOM281, SOAN 290I, SOAN 290L ARCH 331, AGSC 212, AGSC 213, GRDS231, HBED/HPCH200, HBED/HPCH 201, MNGT 215, ENGL 230, ENGL235. List II: ECON: EDUC: PSPA: SOAN: OTHERS: ECON 203 EDUC 211, EDUC 218, EDUC 230 PSPA 201, PSPA 213, PSPA 221 SOAN 207/ MCOM 202, SOAN 232, SOAN 234/ MCOM 230, SOAN 235/ MCOM 231, SOAN 242, SOAN 245, SOAN 290/ MCOM 290. ENGL 247, HBED/HPCH 203, HMPD 204, HMPD 251. Natural Sciences BIOL: CHEM: GEOL: PHYS: OTHERS: BIOL 200, BIOL 201, BIOL 209, BIOL 210, BIOL 290EE CHEM 200, CHEM 201, CHEM 202, CHEM 204, CHEM 205, CHEM 207, CHEM 208, CHEM 209 GEOL 201, GEOL 205 PHYS 200, PHYS 204, PHYS 205, PHYS 210, PHYS  211, PHYS 212 ARCH151,AGSC203,AGSC204, AVSC 220, AVSC 224, AVSC281, BIOC 246, ENHL 220, LDEM 217, PHYL246. Quantitative Thought CMPS: MATH: OTHERS: CMPS 200, CMPS 206, CMPS 209 MATH 201, MATH 203, MATH 204, MATH 211, MATH 218 EECE 230, EPHD 203, EPHD 213, NURS 203, PHIL 211, PHIL220, STAT201, STAT210, EDUC271, PHIL256.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Life after university Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Life after university - Assignment Example ty to work independently on a project is essential, because there can be deadlines and targets, and often people are busy with their own tasks and not able to give constant advice. An employee should, however, also be able to work together with other colleagues and all kinds of stakeholders and clients. Fitting into the rules and styles of the organisation is essential so that work relationships run smoothly and without any conflicts. There are obvious avenues of employment in the forensic science area, which would involve a Graduate employee learning about the law and keeping up to date with protocols for genetic testing, for example, as well as working on samples and preparing reports for different context in the criminal justice system. Excellent writing skills are needed for situations where scientific analysis has to be passed on to relevant investigatory or judicial authorities. There are occasions, too, where scientific experts have to give verbal reports, and so confidence in public speaking is a useful asset. Often it is thought that the forensic science domain is all about catching criminals, but in fact much of the work is also about proving the innocence of suspects, or simply understanding more about any kind of scene, whether it be a crime scene, an archaeological dig, or any other environment. I would be interested also in some of the non-human forensic science careers, such as for example work in a laboratory for wildlife conservation which may involve testing for species diversity and habitat erosion, or working with endangered species to ensure that healthy populations are maintained. Molecular biology specialists also can choose from many careers related to medicine, for example working in the testing of drugs or increasingly in the manufacture of drugs which are tailored to the individual genetic make-up of the patient. I am interested particularly in the area of cancer research and treatment, and I think that in the next twenty years there

Monday, August 12, 2019

Justice & Pluralism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Justice & Pluralism - Essay Example (Baker, 1997 & Kymlicka, 1995) J.S. Furnivall was the first known person to coin the term pluralistic society and distinguish as a separate form of society. A Banker by profession, he had travelled a lot particularly to the colonial Far East where he discovered the wide range of culture and ethnic diversity that existed within that society. He described his experience and observation in the following words â€Å"in the strictest sense, a medley for they mix but do not combine†. As Furnivall tried to convey his idea and observation of a society that is a cultural melting pot, similarly this prose incorporates the same ideology and tries to observe pluralism in the light of justice and the importance of establishing a state that is beyond religion or religious beliefs. (Baker, 1997 & Young, 1979) Justice and pluralism have a high correlation and for a just system to be established in a society, social pluralism must prevail. The depth of their relationship will be further elabor ated. However, the following parts of the prose will discuss and analyze the philosophy and science of social pluralism; its essence and importance in order to establish social order in the society. Pluralism is generally a philosophical term; however the term has now become synonymous with social and political science as well. During the last few decades, political and social scientists have carried out intense debates regarding the validity of a pluralistic analysis and evaluation of modern societies. (Conn, 1973) The argument presented against pluralistic interpretation of the society is vastly polemic and based on abstract. As researches continue to study the phenomenon extensively and produce copious amounts of data on the subject; however, the subject of pluralism remains in the shroud of ambiguities. Pluralism is in fact a multifaceted phenomenon and there has been numerous that, if not completely elucidate the subject but does provide sufficient amount of insight. M. G. Smit h, a renowned social scientist has been known for organizing the concept that made Social pluralism a central concept in the society. He defined pluralism as the division of the society into small units on the basis of race, culture, ethnicity, language and language. These units were politically meaningful and this stratification of society was responsible determining or influencing people’s behaviour in a society. (Quong, 2004, 43-67) These units later evolve into sophisticated corporate units that were responsible for the amount of wealth a society generates and the level of discord. However, on the down side the more stratified a society became the likelihood of collective violence and discord amongst the units increased. The prime focus of studies was on the correlation between collective violence and a pluralistic society and he stated: â€Å"Having spent my life trying to clarify the conception of pluralism, I now wish to test and demonstrate its relevance for the solu tion of many urgent problems in the modern world. To that end I have compiled information on the demographic, economic, social and political characteristics of all sovereign nation-states, together with such detailed records as I can gather of internal